The Kids Party Pact

Together as parents, we want to make children's parties friendlier on our finances and the planet.

Kid's parties should be...

piggy bank with party hat


Let's end the pressure to buy new or expensive gifts for every party your child gets invited to.

happy planet earth with party hat

Planet friendly

Let's normalise pre-loved, handmade, sustainable presents, experiences, small cash gifts...or even no gift at all.

birthday cupcake with party hat on

Full of Joy

Let's make children's parties fun, exciting and memorable events. They don't need a pile of presents to make that happen.

Parents, in it together

So many parents dread the gifting element of children’s parties.

The expense, the plastic tat, the clutter.

Our current culture can make you feel:

  • awkward sharing ‘gift guidance’ for your kid’s party.
  • uncomfortable if you turn up as a guest empty-handed, or with a second-hand present.   


Some people don’t take their child to parties because they can’t afford to get a gift 😔


We can change this culture if we collectively wave goodbye to these social norms.

Sign the pact and become part of a movement of parents who want to normalise more affordable, sustainable presents.

This is a gift your children will thank you for in years to come 🌎💚

"I really agree with this! So many bouncy balls, stampers and mini bubbles after one year of primary school parties."
Claire H
"This is AMAZING and so needed! Well done on this fab concept!"
Clare D
"Count me in. The plastic tat influx is unbearable, and the costs when your kid starts primary school is not affordable for so many."

Why sign the pact?

By signing The Kid’s Party Pact you will help normalise a more affordable, sustainable gifting culture at children’s parties.

The more people who sign, the more we can get others to take notice – and the more likely we will create change.

The pact is anonymous. We will never share your name or details without your permission. 

You won’t get any emails from us, unless you opt in.

Sign the pact below…